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Directed by Tate Taylor. With Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Bryce Dallas Howard. An aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960s decides to write a book detailing the African American maids' point of view on the white families for which they work, and the hardships they go through on a daily basis. The Writer magazine - Advice and inspiration for today's writer Founded in 1887, The Writer is the nation's oldest magazine focusing on the craft of writing. Book Summary - The Help, Kathryn Stockett's debut novel, tells the story of black maids working in white Southern homes in the early 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi, and of Miss Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, a 22-year-old graduate from Ole Miss, who returns to her family's cotton plantation, Longleaf, to find that her ... The Help - Movie Quotes - Rotten Tomatoes Skeeter Phelan: [on the phone with Ms. Elaine Stain from New York City] I'd like to write somethin' the the help. Skeeter Phelan: (To Stuart) I'm sorry, but you were droppin' your head as an ...